Tuesday, September 27, 2016

Wednesday Evenings in September and October

It's time to reserve your spots for Wednesday evenings at the Doubleton Club. Regular games don't require signups, but are much appreciated and help us organize the game so we are able to start on time. If you want a special table or direction, reservations are advised.

The game schedule and special events for the month of September and October:

  • September 28 - Regular Game - Shoreline event that night...Come early
  • October 5 - Regular Game
  • October 12 - Regular Game
  • October 19 - Club Appreciation - Extra Masterpoints - no extra fee
  • October 26 - Regular Game

And ... FYI - we will be closed Thanksgiving Eve.

"Director, please!" If you disagree with the opponents' statement of the result; if you think there was a revoke; if you don't understand the auction; if the claim went too fast for you -- if there is any irregularity at your table -- call the director. It's not rude - it's the proper action to take.

    Do you want to verify your reservation?  Click on the "WHO SIGNED UP?" link. This list updates automatically, although it does take a minute or two, and date tabs at the bottom of the page provide access to the reservations week-by-week. Note that the Who Signed Up? List does not include the standing reserved list.

    Join us for the NLM Sectional at our very own Bridge Center.  Here is the link with all the information: http://paloaltobridge.com/NLMsectional/nlmsectional.html

    Don't forget to let us know when you become a Life Master. We want to add your name to our Congratulations! list.

    Are you looking for a partner for an upcoming Doubleton Club game? Please contact us via a partner request email. We will try to set you up with the most compatible person possible. The more advanced notice we get, the more likely we are to be able to find a partner.

    This is a reminder that many people are extremely sensitive (some get physically ill) to the chemicals in perfumes/after shave lotions. We ask that you please refrain from using them. Thank you.


    • Open Section: Narayan Mohanram/Tahir Gokcen - 67.82%
    • 499ers: Jonathan MacQuitty/Larry Orr - 71.19%

    Congratulations! New Life Masters in 2016

    • Kathy & David Puryear - Monterey Regionals!
    • Wendy Benveniste - Reno Nationals!  
    • Jim Hulseman - at our very own Doubleton Club

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